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John Brind 1727 intestate P3/B/1256i
Condition of this obligation is such that if the above named Mary Brind the widow relict and &&&&&& Administratrix of all and singular the goods shall &&&& of John Brind late of Stratton St Margaret the above said intestate **** deceased ******* make or cause to be made a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the goods chattels and *** the said deceased which have or shall come to the hands possession or knowledge of her the said Mary Brind into the hands and possession of any person or persons for her and the same made ** or caused to be exhibited into the registry of the archdeacon of ************** after before m the last ********* day of December ********** and the same goods chattels and credits and all other good s chattels and credit s of the said deceased at the time of his decease which at any time after shall come to the (4:00) hands or possession of the said Mary Brind *************** or into the hands and posession of any other person or persons for her do well and trully administer according to law and further do make or cause to be made a true and ????? account of ???? said admon at or before ye last day of september 1728 if required and all the rest and residue of the said goods and chattels and credits which shall be found remaining upon the said administration account the same being first ex??? and allowed of by the judge or judges for the time being of the said court shall ??? and pay unto such person or persons ???? as the said judge or judges by his or their ??????? to the ????????? and incurring of a late act of Parliament made in the two and twentieth and three twentieth years of the reigns of the late sovereigns of lord king charles the second (something an act for the ???? settlement of intestate) shall limit an appoint and if it shall hereafter appear that any last will and testament was made by the said deceased and the ?????? therein named do exhibit the same unto the said court making request to have it allowed and approved according to ??????? if the said Mary Brind above ???? being ??????? to required do ???? and deliver the said ???? of admon ??????? of such testaments being first had and made (in the said ???) this obligation to be void and of ?????? defer ??? for ??>>>>>>

The mark of widow Brind

sealed and delivered in the presence of Tho. Coker ?????? Sarah Coker John Pynger and William Brind